Christopher Kutz This upper-division seminar looks at the theory and practice of criminal punishment in the United States: we read… Continue reading LEGALST 190 | Punishment in America
Course Term: 2023 Spring
COMLIT 190 | Media and Realism
Miryam Sas & Max Kaisler Sometimes that thing called “reality” is just too much to face. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed.… Continue reading COMLIT 190 | Media and Realism
EALC 125 | Writing the Limits of Empathy
Alan Tansman How far can we go into the minds and bodies of others? How strongly can we sense their… Continue reading EALC 125 | Writing the Limits of Empathy
FILM 193 | Intermediate Film Writing
Emily West & Alex Creighton Moving-image media are compelling sites of cultural work. Writing about motion pictures poses peculiar challenges… Continue reading FILM 193 | Intermediate Film Writing
COGSCI 190 | Expanding a Science of Consciousness
David Presti & Patricia Kubala All we know comes to us via our consciousness — experience or awareness of thoughts,… Continue reading COGSCI 190 | Expanding a Science of Consciousness
RHETOR 240G | Teaching Writing: History, Theory and Practice
Nathan Atkinson This seminar introduces graduate students to theory, history, and practice of composition pedagogy at the university. Students explore… Continue reading RHETOR 240G | Teaching Writing: History, Theory and Practice