RHETOR 100 | Writing at the University: A Writing Seminar for Transfer Students

2025 Summer | T, W, Th 1-3:30pm | COURSE #13006 | UNITS: 4

Words, Power, and the Power of Words

Nathan Atkinson

Summer Session D online (July 7 2025 – Aug 15, 2025)

Having successfully completed their composition courses in community college, transfer students possess the writing skills necessary for academic success. Still, research shows that many transfer students arrive at the university lacking familiarity with the conventions of research and writing in their chosen major.

This course is designed to help transfer students succeed in discipline-specific research and writing at UC Berkeley. To achieve this goal, the course focuses on developing the following skill sets:

• Students read and discuss scholarship in writing studies and rhetoric to develop a framework for understanding the conventions of advanced academic writing.

• Students identify exemplary writing and writers in their discipline, and research what it means to write successfully in their major.

• Students analyze the generic conventions for writing in their discipline to produce an essay that identifies challenges and opportunities specific to their major and to their experience as transfer students.