The Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Graduate Student Fellowship in the Art of Teaching Writing provides graduate students teaching Reading & Composition courses the opportunity to improve existing and develop new pedagogical skills and practices. Twelve students each receive a $2,000 stipend to participate in a seminar led by Joseph Harris, a leading scholar in compositional studies.
The Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Graduate Student Fellowship began with a week-long intensive seminar, The Art of Teaching Writing. The seminar was held from May 20–24, 2019 at the Townsend Center for the Humanities. In the mornings, students learned about best practices for designing writing courses and working with student writers. In the afternoons, students joined in conversations with distinguished scholars in writing studies on such topics as the aims of first-year writing courses, teaching in a global and multilingual culture, the impact of digital literacies, and writing beyond the university. At the end of the week, students complete a detailed draft of the materials for their R&C courses.
During Fall 2019, fellows continue the conversation through monthly meetings and social media. In December, students attend a final seminar with Joseph Harris to discuss their teaching experiences and reflect on ways to improve teaching writing on the Berkeley campus.

Faculty & Speakers
The May 2019 Seminar on the Art of Teaching Writing will be led by Professor Joseph Harris, who directs the Composition Program at the University of Delaware. Harris has written or edited four books on teaching writing, including Rewriting: How to Do Things with Texts, and A Teaching Subject: Composition Since 1966. He has also edited CCC, the leading journal in writing studies, and the Studies in Writing and Rhetoric book series. Before coming to Delaware, he directed the writing programs at the University of Pittsburgh and Duke University.
Mya Poe, Associate Professor of English, Northeastern University
Ryan Sloan, Lecturer, College Writing Programs, University of California, Berkeley
Michelle Baptiste, Lecturer, College Writing Programs, University of California, Berkeley
2019 Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Art of Writing Fellows
Marlena Gittleman, Comparative Literature
Tory Jeffay, Film & Media
Anooj Kansara, Rhetoric
Ina Marie Therese Kelleher, Ethnic Studies
Linda Kinstler, Rhetoric
Patricia Kubala, Anthropology
Mariko Pegs, African American & African Diaspora Studies
Tara Philips, Comparative Literature
Ryan Rhadigan, Rhetoric
Danielle Simon, Music
Lucy Siriani, English
Max Stevenson, English
Amanda Su, English